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United Kingdom
Sue brings the inspiration of her personal story of transformation, her experience of countless healing ceremonies from several cultures, tribes and traditions from around the world and 30 years as a healer, consultant and teacher. Originally from the UK, she now lives in Sintra. Her best-selling book is now available on Audible: 'Becoming a Healer for Yourself & Others - Transforming Wounds to Gifts, Nightmares to Dreams & Curses to Blessings.' Sue is the founder of Fire Horse, for personal and home transformation, and the Academy of Modern Shamanism, with retreats and courses in healing for people, homes and businesses. She is a seeker of truth, a singer-songwriter and a medicine woman.

Becoming a Healer


Witness and participate in holding space for a shamanic energy healing for a volunteer.
Witness the clearing of stuck energy, strengthening of the energy body and retrieval of their true essence. If you would like to have the opportunity to receive this free healing, you can put your name forward.

Chakra Alchemy


Learn a chakra alchemy process that includes dance, breathwork, laughter, gratitide, sound, meditation and prayer - as a fast track to clarity, synchronicity, manifestation and grace.

Space Clearing & Blessing


How do we harmonise and transform our homes and work spaces to support our fullest potential?
Sue will share some insights and exercises on home healing.

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