Alicia Carreiro Kon has more than 30 years experience in the Natural Health area: she is a Macrobiotics counsellor, a qualified massage therapist (Wadô-atsu) and holistic practitioner including Moxibustion, Kinesiotaping, Movements for Healthy Adults and Kids, Breathing and Meditation techniques, Trance Dance, and Biodanza.
She likes to keep her work fresh and up to date with further courses, experiences and independent research.
Offers workshops and consultations in Argentina, Portugal, UK, Denmark and on-line.
Biodanza and the Elements
Let's move, dance and connect with ourselves, each other and the Universe. Let's express the Transformations that make Life up in this Dance of Life session.
My parents were Macrobiotic but didn't know it...
A presentation of Macrobiotics within my Portuguese background in a rural context.
In honour of my ancestors.