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Palucha has a degree in Macrobiotics from the Kushi Institute (Portugal and Switzerland), now the Macrobiotic Institute of Portugal, and the Instituto Princípio Único - Escola Musso (Brazil), founded by Professors Tomio Kikuchi and Bernadette Kikuchi. Since 1987 she has been developing her knowledge and practice of healthy eating and lifestyle through her project: Vitalising and Educational Cooking, where she shares life principles, nutritional advice and practices that support people in creating their own balance of health and well-being. Her life's project is to act, day by day, in a healthy, vitalising and joyful way of internal ecology, from food, to physical exercise, to a positive way of thinking and everything else that can make up this ecological globality that is the human body.

Cooking with Portuguese Wild Seavegetables


Come and discover the wonderful world of seaweeds from the Portuguese coast: fucus, wild nori, kombu, etc.
We'll prepare a delicious and vitalising macrobiotic menu based entirely on wild seaweeds.

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