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Nyla Nguyen is a Spiritual Influencer assisting the collective consciousness to understand various topics on Ascension, 3D to 5D Consciousness, Relationships, Healing on a multi-dimensional level, The Ego, and Becoming the Highest Version of Self. She has a Bitchute and YouTube channel assisting the collective on these various subjects. She is extremely knowledgeable and skilled in all areas of personal and spiritual development. Her passion is to help people live their most authentic lives and become who they are meant to become. Aside from her expertise in personal and spiritual development, she is also very proficient and adept in health, physical fitness, and lifestyle re-design.

How to have happy & healthy relationships with self & with others


This talk will inform the collective on how to have healthy relationships with Self & with others. They will learn the purpose of relationships from a spiritual perspective, different types of relationships, how to create boundaries for themselves, improve their discernment so they can select better quality romantic partners, qualities of high valued men/women, how to become high-valued, and why healing is necessary to have higher quality relationships. They will also learn various topics on attraction, seduction, courting, and Divine Feminine, and Masculine energies.

3D to 5D Consciousness - How to create your reality at a conscious level


This talk will help the collective understand the various states of consciousness that people operate in. Each state of consciousness creates its reality. This talk will help to increase awareness of the multiple states of consciousness so people understand themselves more, the type of consciousness they operate in, and recognize it in others. This knowledge will help people relate to others better and they can begin to co-create their reality at a conscious level. If people want to change their life and re-design it, this type of knowledge is fundamental and crucial in life-style redesign.

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