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She is an emotional therapist - dedicated to identifying and transmuting traumas and emotional blockages that give rise to repetitive unconscious patterns that prevent people from realising their full potential. In 2018 she began her journey, at the National Feng Shui School, followed by Karmic Astrology, Individual Mentoring, ThetaHealing and Family Constellations.

Children's Workshop - Woollen Mandalas

8 - 12

In South America, indigenous tribes weave woollen mandalas as a form of protection and blessing, encouraging healthy growth, intellect and divine protection.
Here, children can use their imagination, creativity and manual dexterity to create a mandala with a very personal intention.

Family Constellations


Family Constellations allow us to harmonise unconscious patterns (health, love, wealth, work) that we replicate out of love for our ancestors.
In this workshop we will make systemic movements that allow us to become aware of and release our abundance.

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