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Maria is one of the two founders of One World. She studied for her BA in sculpture and then went on to work as a house parent in homes for handicapped children and school offenders. In 1978 she started her Macrobiotics studies at the CHF in London and has been professionally involved ever since as a cooking teacher and cook referral. Being a mother of two children has inspired her to complete the Rudolf Steiner teacher training and focus on the Macrobiotic approach to education and women’s health. Maria has also a deep interest in Space Clearing and has been co-promoter and co-director of the One World Summer Festival since 1996.

Cooking with Camp Kids

8 - 12

Each day Maria will create a yummy snack with kids of any age, with the precious help of her granddaughter, Orla. These will be sugar and dairy free.

• Delicious Fruit Jellies
• Rice Crunches
• Fruit Kebabs with Carob sauce
• Cookies
• Pancakes
• Nori Rolls

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