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He has a degree in civil engineering and a doctorate in hydraulics from Brighton University in England. From an early age he became interested in oriental philosophy. He embraced macrobiotic practice in 1981. It was in the late 1980s that he was one of the pioneers of contemporary feng shui in Europe. He founded the Portuguese National Feng Shui school in 1997 and is directly responsible for the training of almost all consultants in Portugal. He has been engaged in classical feng shui intensely for several years, having studied with world renowned masters. He is a graduate of the Chue Foundation and a disciple of Master Francis Leyau of the Central Academy of Feng Shui. He regularly spends part of the year in countries such as Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia deepening his knowledge. He is also founder of the One World Festival with his wife, Maria Gillot.

Chinese Astrology


Oriental astrology has a circular concept of time, as opposed to linear, like in the West.
Each year, month, day and hour, has a corresponding pillar which are in assigned in perpetual cycles and form the Chinese calendar.
The understanding of energy cycles determines the recommended action in each period of time, in order to make the most appropriate choices for our objectives, on a case-by-case basis.

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