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United Kingdom
Since childhood, yoga has played a part in my life and I have been taught by many knowledgeable, and experienced teachers. Upon completing my own Yoga Teacher Training Course, I have begun to develop a teaching style which draws upon these different influences and techniques. This diversity of experience allows me to prioritise the unique needs of each student and adjusting my teaching accordingly. Creating a more peaceful and positive world starts with the self. When we pay attention to and take care of our body, mind and spirit, we can begin to align with our true nature of compassion, love and joy. This is what brought me to yoga and why I feel strongly about sharing its power and beauty.

Yoga Classes


‘Yoga’, meaning ‘Unity’ or ‘Oneness’, is gift and a tool which can help us to increase our life-energy and general well-being. Yoga addresses the physical, energetic and mental bodies through practicing asanas (postures), pranayama (breath work) and meditation.
As a teacher, I give equal importance to all three, and aim to integrate them as one.

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