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Ana Teresa Silva is an award-winning Portuguese writer and journalist with more than 30 years of experience in creating and sharing inspiring stories. Along the way, on her own journey of self-discovery and growth, she explored different teachings, practices and methods that combine body-mind-heart-soul wisdom, and for the last 10 years, she works also as Meditation Facilitator, PSYCH-K® and NLP practitioner, Therapeutic Playback Theatre and Biodanza facilitator (with regular groups), as well Trainer in both Creative and Fiction Writing. Ana Teresa has 8 published books. Her writing reflects the alchemy collected throughout her multiple paths and is now going beyond borders through the English edition "The Truth" (released December 2023) and the Spanish edition "Mañana Será Otro Día".

Creative Writing


This is an opportunity where participants in a non-academic setting could play with words, free themselves from their own inhibitions and discover that they are original and have something important to express.
With this workshop, participants will have the opportunity to discover practical exercises that can help them incorporate writing into their daily lives, find their own voice, boost their creativity, enhance their literary skills, and share the richness of their stories.

Biodanza - Eros: Archetype of connection


In this Vivencia we will delve into the mystery of human connection through the lens of Eros, the primordial force of love and life. As we dance, we will awaken our senses and sensuality and heighten our awareness of the present moment. Here, we'll honor the archetype of Eros, embracing the profound beauty of human intimacy and the power it holds to transform our lives.
As we surrender to the dance, let us remember that Eros is more than just romantic love; it is the essence of creativity, passion, and the life force that binds us all.

Biodanza - The beauty of our Shared Humanity


This Vivencia will be a sacred journey celebrating the preciousness of heartful human connection through creative expression — an opportunity to express the myriad facets of oneself mirrored by the others. A testament to the beauty of our shared humanity, a reminder that we are all interconnected. Divine reflections of Oneness dancing together.

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