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Joaquim found macrobiotics after various experiences and dietary practices and in the context of various philosophical and mystical pursuits. He studied at the Community Health Foundation/Kushi Institute, in London. He was a founding partner of Shogun, Produtos Alimentares, Lda., a pioneer in the production of popcorn biscuits in Portugal, produced tempeh for some time and was a founding partner of the publishing house UME, Um Mundo Ético. In his life, he has learnt and taught various practices related to macrobiotics and traditions from both East and West. He has also learnt something very important, which is to apply Macrobiotics in practice to diverse and extreme situations/objectives, namely in the three dimensions of Food, Physical Activity and Spirituality.

The Three Pillars of Wellbeing


Food, activity and spirituality for a healthy and long life.

What can we do to live a healthy, long and happy life according to your condition and goals?

Use food to promote health and avoid disease, physical activity to build a strong body, strengthen the immune system and slow ageing, and ancient spiritual practices to achieve deep rest and raise the state of consciousness.

Napkin Origami


Origami is a practice of folding that originated in Japan and Europe, usually on paper, but also on cloth or other materials. It can be seen as both a game and an art, and sometimes as an intellectual challenge.

Above all, it promotes the development of motor skills, intellectual and creative abilities, imagination, attention, patience and memory, and is certainly a fun training.

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