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Rowena Ronson
14 Abril 2016

I visited One World for the first time this year on Jon’s recommendation and I was really struck by the connectedness, openness and gratitude of the organisers, teachers and participants. The workshops I attended were skilfully facilitated, the organisation smooth, and the surroundings – gorgeous!

As I drove away I felt inspired to be more than a participant next year, and contribute something of myself to the space that One World creates.

Shirley Whalley
14 Abril 2016

What an amazing festival – thanks to all who made it so great and all the soundcircle participants – my singing bowls are still humming !!!

Stanley Stewart
14 Abril 2016

Greetings on behalf of myself and my twin night watchman, I just wanted to say a BIG thank you to the organisers, and volunteers for making this year Summer festival so Great Also a big thanks to all those people who attended my talks and workshops I hope they prove useful to you as you proceed on your lifes journey ? and Finally to everyone who gave their support and donations without whom Wayfinders couldn’t exist THANK YOU EVERYONE !! Blessings to you all <3

Sue McCowan
14 Abril 2016

Thank you to everyone there for welcoming me so warm heartedly as a One World newbie! The feeling of belonging has been very moving :)

Extra special thanks to Douglas Crawford, Paul Cody, Carol Donaldson, Craig Winterburn, Domonic Galligan, Jon Athawes, Andy Cawley, Bear Love, Benjamin Stubbs, Liam, Nezzy SpectacularGoddess, Dave Binder (thanks for the chocolate!) and the wizards!

I don’t know why nearly all my synchronicities should have been in the 1st floor ladies loss but I left much needed new toilet roll there on the last day as an offering of thanks and gratitude! ;) Thanks to all of you who turned up there at exactly the right time for me (including Douglas!)

Tony Mills
14 Abril 2016

Last day of One World Festival 2015. I have enjoyed it very much and look forward to next years gathering. Many thanks to those who attended my healing circles. Some photos already on my page – energeticwisdom

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