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Daniel Billing Music
14 Abril 2016

Last night was fantastic outing for us as a trio. A beautiful responsive crowd who danced, let loose and made it a night to remember. I feel proud and lucky to be playing my songs alongside two incredible musicians! One World festival you were AMAZING!! Thank you for having us.

Emily Rose
14 Abril 2016

Had such a fantastic week ! Enjoyed so many wonderful workshops. Thank you everyone who came to the Life Drawing workshops and the models! Such beautiful people

Gill Black
14 Abril 2016

Thank you everybody for making One World so special. A big Thanks to all the hard working organisers and volunteers. Lovely to see Geoff Napier (Cygnus) after what must have been a difficult year for him: Ann would be so proud. See you all next year. X

Hellow Groseille
14 Abril 2016

THANK YOU for everything, I had an amazing time, looking forward fot the winter warming, see you there ! :D

Jan Cook
14 Abril 2016

Just got back from a fantastic week at One World Summer Festival spending time with amazing people and doing some very exciting stuff; top lights were Carol and the singing, Russel and Tai Chi – brilliant ! And Craig with the African Drums – I have a split index finger and other hands scars to prove how much I enjoyed the drumming. Definitely on for next camp

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